Sept. 27, 2018
My very kind friend Trisha agreed to help me in the studio this week for my first homework assignment. I admit, working in the studio was difficult and stressful. Working with studio lighting was really different, I've been working with natural light for so long that everything studio feels very controlled, and very out of control at the same time. It's going to take a lot of getting used to. Time management is going to take a lot of getting used to as well. We are allowed to check the studio out for 2.5 hours at a time. I'll be sure to grab two time sots for the next time around. As far as Trisha's look, we tried to artfully cover her in body highlighter. It kind of worked, kind of didn't work. I wasn't sure if these were going to be "fine art" photos, or look like a makeup advertisement. I wasn't opposed to either. So, some of her is highlighted, and some of her looks like she has wet foundation smeared on her skin. It was an experiment. I was just happy that she was so willing to try my ideas. After a messy, and rushed shoot, I'm not terribly unhappy with the result. I try to not put anything out for the world to see unless I can say put time and effort into it. This shoot took a lot of effort and I appreciate someone trusting me enough to participate in something that only existed in my head until now!
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