Monday, December 3, 2018

December, 3rd, 2018
More film Photography! We decided to catch up on some old rolls and get them developed in Stonybrook. I had a handful of 120, and a roll of 35mm. The 120 did not come out great but I was pleasantly surprised to see so much time that had passed on my 35mm film. Usually when I have a roll I use it all in one sitting .This roll in particular had about a years span of pictures from my Minolta pocket camera. These were from a warehouse auction that my uncle conducted. This auction is also where I bought my bestler enlarger for $5! Everything in Western NY, especially Dunkirk is so cheap. There is not a lot of cash flow in that area and I used to be able to fill my car twice at auctions and only spend about 60-70 dollars. Anyway, there are some very charming parts about home , including this warehouse. It's mostly used for storage, but there are other parts that have been renovated into studios and such.

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December, 17th, 2018 Here to bless you with some pictorial-esque photographs. I've started to stray from B&W when it co...